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Introduction to Pandas


  1. Introduction to pandas data structures

  2. How to slice and dice pandas dataframes and dataseries

  3. How to use pandas for exploratory data analysis





Python Quickstart


Intro to dict

Numpy Basics


  • Time to learn: 60 minutes


You will often see the nickname pd used as an abbreviation for pandas in the import statement, just like numpy is often imported as np. Here we will also be importing pythia_datasets, our tool for accessing example data we provide for our materials.

import pandas as pd
from pythia_datasets import DATASETS

The pandas DataFrame

… is a labeled, two dimensional columnal structure similar to a table, spreadsheet, or the R data.frame.

dataframe schematic

The columns that make up our DataFrame can be lists, dictionaries, NumPy arrays, pandas Series, or more. Within these columns our data can be any texts, numbers, dates and times, or many other data types you may have encountered in Python and NumPy. Shown here on the left in dark gray, our very first column is uniquely referrred to as an Index, and this contains information characterizing each row of our DataFrame. Similar to any other column, the index can label our rows by text, numbers, datetimes (a popular one!), or more.

Let’s take a look by reading in some .csv data, which comes from the NCDC teleconnections database, including various El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indices! [ref].


Here we’re getting the data from Project Pythia’s custom library of example data, which we already imported above with from pythia_datasets import DATASETS. The DATASETS.fetch() method will automatically download and cache our example data file enso_data.csv locally.

filepath = DATASETS.fetch('enso_data.csv')
Downloading file 'enso_data.csv' from '' to '/home/runner/.cache/pythia-datasets'.

Once we have a valid path to a data file that Pandas knows how to read, we can open it like this:

df = pd.read_csv(filepath)

If we print out our dataframe, you will notice that is text based, which is okay, but not the “best” looking output

       datetime  Nino12  Nino12anom  Nino3  Nino3anom  Nino4  Nino4anom  \
0    1982-01-01   24.29       -0.17  25.87       0.24  28.30       0.00   
1    1982-02-01   25.49       -0.58  26.38       0.01  28.21       0.11   
2    1982-03-01   25.21       -1.31  26.98      -0.16  28.41       0.22   
3    1982-04-01   24.50       -0.97  27.68       0.18  28.92       0.42   
4    1982-05-01   23.97       -0.23  27.79       0.71  29.49       0.70   
..          ...     ...         ...    ...        ...    ...        ...   
467  2020-12-01   22.16       -0.60  24.38      -0.83  27.65      -0.95   
468  2021-01-01   23.89       -0.64  25.06      -0.55  27.10      -1.25   
469  2021-02-01   25.55       -0.66  25.80      -0.57  27.20      -1.00   
470  2021-03-01   26.48       -0.26  26.80      -0.39  27.79      -0.55   
471  2021-04-01   24.89       -0.80  26.96      -0.65  28.47      -0.21   

     Nino34  Nino34anom  
0     26.72        0.15  
1     26.70       -0.02  
2     27.20       -0.02  
3     28.02        0.24  
4     28.54        0.69  
..      ...         ...  
467   25.53       -1.12  
468   25.58       -0.99  
469   25.81       -0.92  
470   26.75       -0.51  
471   27.40       -0.49  

[472 rows x 9 columns]

Instead, if we just use the pandas dataframe itself (without wrapping it in print), we have a nicely rendered table which is native to pandas and Jupyter Notebooks. See how much nicer that looks?

datetime Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom
0 1982-01-01 24.29 -0.17 25.87 0.24 28.30 0.00 26.72 0.15
1 1982-02-01 25.49 -0.58 26.38 0.01 28.21 0.11 26.70 -0.02
2 1982-03-01 25.21 -1.31 26.98 -0.16 28.41 0.22 27.20 -0.02
3 1982-04-01 24.50 -0.97 27.68 0.18 28.92 0.42 28.02 0.24
4 1982-05-01 23.97 -0.23 27.79 0.71 29.49 0.70 28.54 0.69
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
467 2020-12-01 22.16 -0.60 24.38 -0.83 27.65 -0.95 25.53 -1.12
468 2021-01-01 23.89 -0.64 25.06 -0.55 27.10 -1.25 25.58 -0.99
469 2021-02-01 25.55 -0.66 25.80 -0.57 27.20 -1.00 25.81 -0.92
470 2021-03-01 26.48 -0.26 26.80 -0.39 27.79 -0.55 26.75 -0.51
471 2021-04-01 24.89 -0.80 26.96 -0.65 28.47 -0.21 27.40 -0.49

472 rows × 9 columns

The index within pandas is essentially a list of the unique row IDs, which by default, is a list of sequential integers which start at 0

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=472, step=1)

Our indexing column isn’t particularly helpful currently. Pandas is clever! A few optional keyword arguments later, and…

df = pd.read_csv(filepath, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)

Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom
1982-01-01 24.29 -0.17 25.87 0.24 28.30 0.00 26.72 0.15
1982-02-01 25.49 -0.58 26.38 0.01 28.21 0.11 26.70 -0.02
1982-03-01 25.21 -1.31 26.98 -0.16 28.41 0.22 27.20 -0.02
1982-04-01 24.50 -0.97 27.68 0.18 28.92 0.42 28.02 0.24
1982-05-01 23.97 -0.23 27.79 0.71 29.49 0.70 28.54 0.69
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-01 22.16 -0.60 24.38 -0.83 27.65 -0.95 25.53 -1.12
2021-01-01 23.89 -0.64 25.06 -0.55 27.10 -1.25 25.58 -0.99
2021-02-01 25.55 -0.66 25.80 -0.57 27.20 -1.00 25.81 -0.92
2021-03-01 26.48 -0.26 26.80 -0.39 27.79 -0.55 26.75 -0.51
2021-04-01 24.89 -0.80 26.96 -0.65 28.47 -0.21 27.40 -0.49

472 rows × 8 columns

DatetimeIndex(['1982-01-01', '1982-02-01', '1982-03-01', '1982-04-01',
               '1982-05-01', '1982-06-01', '1982-07-01', '1982-08-01',
               '1982-09-01', '1982-10-01',
               '2020-07-01', '2020-08-01', '2020-09-01', '2020-10-01',
               '2020-11-01', '2020-12-01', '2021-01-01', '2021-02-01',
               '2021-03-01', '2021-04-01'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='datetime', length=472, freq=None)

… now we have our data helpfully organized by a proper datetime-like object. Each of our multiple columns of data can now be referenced by their date! This sneak preview at the pandas DatetimeIndex also unlocks for us much of pandas most useful time series functionality. Don’t worry, we’ll get there. What are the actual columns of data we’ve read in here?

Index(['Nino12', 'Nino12anom', 'Nino3', 'Nino3anom', 'Nino4', 'Nino4anom',
       'Nino34', 'Nino34anom'],

The pandas Series

… is essentially any one of the columns of our DataFrame, with its accompanying Index to provide a label for each value in our column.

pandas Series

The pandas Series is a fast and capable 1-dimensional array of nearly any data type we could want, and it can behave very similarly to a NumPy ndarray or a Python dict. You can take a look at any of the Series that make up your DataFrame with its label and the Python dict notation, or with dot-shorthand:

1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
2020-12-01    25.53
2021-01-01    25.58
2021-02-01    25.81
2021-03-01    26.75
2021-04-01    27.40
Name: Nino34, Length: 472, dtype: float64
Tip: You can also use the `.` (dot) notation, as seen below, but this is moreso a "convenience feature", which for the most part is interchangeable with the dictionary notation above, except when the column name is not a valid Python object (ex. column names beginning with a number or a space)
1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
2020-12-01    25.53
2021-01-01    25.58
2021-02-01    25.81
2021-03-01    26.75
2021-04-01    27.40
Name: Nino34, Length: 472, dtype: float64

Slicing and Dicing the DataFrame and Series

We will expand on what you just saw, soon! Importantly,

Everything in pandas can be accessed with its label,

no matter how your data is organized.

Indexing a Series

Let’s back up a bit here. Once more, let’s pull out one Series from our DataFrame using its column label, and we’ll start there.

nino34_series = df["Nino34"]

1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
2020-12-01    25.53
2021-01-01    25.58
2021-02-01    25.81
2021-03-01    26.75
2021-04-01    27.40
Name: Nino34, Length: 472, dtype: float64

Series can be indexed, selected, and subset as both ndarray-like,


and dict-like, using labels


These two can be extended in ways that you might expect,

1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
1982-06-01    28.75
1982-07-01    28.10
1982-08-01    27.93
1982-09-01    28.11
1982-10-01    28.64
1982-11-01    28.81
1982-12-01    29.21
Name: Nino34, dtype: float64


Index-based slices are exclusive of the final value, similar to Python’s usual indexing rules.

as well as potentially unexpected ways,

1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
1982-06-01    28.75
1982-07-01    28.10
1982-08-01    27.93
1982-09-01    28.11
1982-10-01    28.64
1982-11-01    28.81
1982-12-01    29.21
Name: Nino34, dtype: float64

That’s right, label-based slicing! Pandas will do the work under the hood for you to find this range of values according to your labels.


label-based slices are inclusive of the final value, different from above!

If you are familiar with xarray, you might also already have a comfort with creating your own slice objects by hand, and that works here!

nino34_series[slice("1982-01-01", "1982-12-01")]
1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
1982-06-01    28.75
1982-07-01    28.10
1982-08-01    27.93
1982-09-01    28.11
1982-10-01    28.64
1982-11-01    28.81
1982-12-01    29.21
Name: Nino34, dtype: float64

Using .iloc and .loc to index

Let’s introduce pandas-preferred ways to access your data by label, .loc, or by index, .iloc. They behave similarly to the notation introduced above, but provide more speed, security, and rigor in your value selection, as well as help you avoid chained assignment warnings within pandas.

1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
1982-06-01    28.75
1982-07-01    28.10
1982-08-01    27.93
1982-09-01    28.11
1982-10-01    28.64
1982-11-01    28.81
1982-12-01    29.21
Name: Nino34, dtype: float64
1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
1982-06-01    28.75
1982-07-01    28.10
1982-08-01    27.93
1982-09-01    28.11
1982-10-01    28.64
1982-11-01    28.81
1982-12-01    29.21
Name: Nino34, dtype: float64

Extending to the DataFrame

These capabilities extend back to our original DataFrame, as well!

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   3802 try:
-> 3803     return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3804 except KeyError as err:

File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx:138, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx:165, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

File pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi:5745, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

File pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi:5753, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

KeyError: '1982-01-01'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [22], line 1
----> 1 df["1982-01-01"]

File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/, in DataFrame.__getitem__(self, key)
   3802 if self.columns.nlevels > 1:
   3803     return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
-> 3804 indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
   3805 if is_integer(indexer):
   3806     indexer = [indexer]

File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   3803     return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3804 except KeyError as err:
-> 3805     raise KeyError(key) from err
   3806 except TypeError:
   3807     # If we have a listlike key, _check_indexing_error will raise
   3808     #  InvalidIndexError. Otherwise we fall through and re-raise
   3809     #  the TypeError.
   3810     self._check_indexing_error(key)

KeyError: '1982-01-01'


Or do they?

They do! Importantly however, indexing a DataFrame can be more strict, and pandas will try not to too heavily assume what you are looking for. So, by default we can’t pull out a row within df by its label alone, and instead labels are for identifying columns within df,

1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
2020-12-01    25.53
2021-01-01    25.58
2021-02-01    25.81
2021-03-01    26.75
2021-04-01    27.40
Name: Nino34, Length: 472, dtype: float64

and integer indexing will similarly get us nothing,

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   3802 try:
-> 3803     return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3804 except KeyError as err:

File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx:138, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx:165, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

File pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi:5745, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

File pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi:5753, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

KeyError: 0

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [24], line 1
----> 1 df[0]

File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/, in DataFrame.__getitem__(self, key)
   3802 if self.columns.nlevels > 1:
   3803     return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
-> 3804 indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
   3805 if is_integer(indexer):
   3806     indexer = [indexer]

File /usr/share/miniconda/envs/pythia-book-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   3803     return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3804 except KeyError as err:
-> 3805     raise KeyError(key) from err
   3806 except TypeError:
   3807     # If we have a listlike key, _check_indexing_error will raise
   3808     #  InvalidIndexError. Otherwise we fall through and re-raise
   3809     #  the TypeError.
   3810     self._check_indexing_error(key)

KeyError: 0

Knowing now that we can pull out one of our columns as a series with its label, and using our experience interacting with the Series df["Nino34"], we can chain our brackets to pull out any value from any of our columns in df.


However, this is not a pandas-preferred way to index and subset our data, and has limited capabilities for us. As we touched on before, .loc and .iloc give us more to work with, and their functionality grows further for df.

df.loc["1982-04-01", "Nino34"]


Note the [row, column] ordering!

These allow us to pull out entire rows of df,

Nino12        24.50
Nino12anom    -0.97
Nino3         27.68
Nino3anom      0.18
Nino4         28.92
Nino4anom      0.42
Nino34        28.02
Nino34anom     0.24
Name: 1982-04-01 00:00:00, dtype: float64
Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom
1982-01-01 24.29 -0.17 25.87 0.24 28.30 0.00 26.72 0.15
1982-02-01 25.49 -0.58 26.38 0.01 28.21 0.11 26.70 -0.02
1982-03-01 25.21 -1.31 26.98 -0.16 28.41 0.22 27.20 -0.02
1982-04-01 24.50 -0.97 27.68 0.18 28.92 0.42 28.02 0.24
1982-05-01 23.97 -0.23 27.79 0.71 29.49 0.70 28.54 0.69
1982-06-01 22.89 0.07 27.46 1.03 29.76 0.92 28.75 1.10
1982-07-01 22.47 0.87 26.44 0.82 29.38 0.58 28.10 0.88
1982-08-01 21.75 1.10 26.15 1.16 29.04 0.36 27.93 1.11
1982-09-01 21.80 1.44 26.52 1.67 29.16 0.47 28.11 1.39
1982-10-01 22.94 2.12 27.11 2.19 29.38 0.72 28.64 1.95
1982-11-01 24.59 3.00 27.62 2.64 29.23 0.60 28.81 2.16
1982-12-01 26.13 3.34 28.39 3.25 29.15 0.66 29.21 2.64
Nino12        24.50
Nino12anom    -0.97
Nino3         27.68
Nino3anom      0.18
Nino4         28.92
Nino4anom      0.42
Nino34        28.02
Nino34anom     0.24
Name: 1982-04-01 00:00:00, dtype: float64
Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom
1982-01-01 24.29 -0.17 25.87 0.24 28.30 0.00 26.72 0.15
1982-02-01 25.49 -0.58 26.38 0.01 28.21 0.11 26.70 -0.02
1982-03-01 25.21 -1.31 26.98 -0.16 28.41 0.22 27.20 -0.02
1982-04-01 24.50 -0.97 27.68 0.18 28.92 0.42 28.02 0.24
1982-05-01 23.97 -0.23 27.79 0.71 29.49 0.70 28.54 0.69
1982-06-01 22.89 0.07 27.46 1.03 29.76 0.92 28.75 1.10
1982-07-01 22.47 0.87 26.44 0.82 29.38 0.58 28.10 0.88
1982-08-01 21.75 1.10 26.15 1.16 29.04 0.36 27.93 1.11
1982-09-01 21.80 1.44 26.52 1.67 29.16 0.47 28.11 1.39
1982-10-01 22.94 2.12 27.11 2.19 29.38 0.72 28.64 1.95
1982-11-01 24.59 3.00 27.62 2.64 29.23 0.60 28.81 2.16
1982-12-01 26.13 3.34 28.39 3.25 29.15 0.66 29.21 2.64

Even further,

    "1982-01-01":"1982-12-01",  # slice of rows
    ["Nino12", "Nino3", "Nino4", "Nino34"],  # list of columns
Nino12 Nino3 Nino4 Nino34
1982-01-01 24.29 25.87 28.30 26.72
1982-02-01 25.49 26.38 28.21 26.70
1982-03-01 25.21 26.98 28.41 27.20
1982-04-01 24.50 27.68 28.92 28.02
1982-05-01 23.97 27.79 29.49 28.54
1982-06-01 22.89 27.46 29.76 28.75
1982-07-01 22.47 26.44 29.38 28.10
1982-08-01 21.75 26.15 29.04 27.93
1982-09-01 21.80 26.52 29.16 28.11
1982-10-01 22.94 27.11 29.38 28.64
1982-11-01 24.59 27.62 29.23 28.81
1982-12-01 26.13 28.39 29.15 29.21


For a more comprehensive explanation, which includes additional examples, limitations, and compares indexing methods between DataFrame and Series see pandas’ rules for indexing.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Get a Quick Look at the Beginning/End of your Dataframe

Pandas also gives you a few shortcuts to quickly investigate entire DataFrames.

Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom
1982-01-01 24.29 -0.17 25.87 0.24 28.30 0.00 26.72 0.15
1982-02-01 25.49 -0.58 26.38 0.01 28.21 0.11 26.70 -0.02
1982-03-01 25.21 -1.31 26.98 -0.16 28.41 0.22 27.20 -0.02
1982-04-01 24.50 -0.97 27.68 0.18 28.92 0.42 28.02 0.24
1982-05-01 23.97 -0.23 27.79 0.71 29.49 0.70 28.54 0.69
Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom
2020-12-01 22.16 -0.60 24.38 -0.83 27.65 -0.95 25.53 -1.12
2021-01-01 23.89 -0.64 25.06 -0.55 27.10 -1.25 25.58 -0.99
2021-02-01 25.55 -0.66 25.80 -0.57 27.20 -1.00 25.81 -0.92
2021-03-01 26.48 -0.26 26.80 -0.39 27.79 -0.55 26.75 -0.51
2021-04-01 24.89 -0.80 26.96 -0.65 28.47 -0.21 27.40 -0.49

Quick Plots of Your Data

A good way to explore your data is by making a simple plot. Pandas allows you to plot without even calling matplotlib! Here, we are interested in the Nino34 series. Check this out…


Before, we called .plot() which generated a single line plot. This is helpful, but there are other plots which can also help with understanding your data! Let’s try using a histogram to understand distributions…

The only part that changes here is we are subsetting for just two Nino indices, and after .plot, we include .hist() which stands for histogram

df[['Nino12', 'Nino34']].plot.hist();

We can see some clear differences in the distributions, which is helpful! Another plot one might like to use would be a boxplot. Here, we replace hist with box

df[['Nino12', 'Nino34']];

Here, we again see a clear difference in the distributions. These are not the only plots you can use within pandas! For more examples of plotting choices, check out the pandas plot documentation

Customize your Plot

These plot() methods are just wrappers to matplotlib, so with a little more work the plots can be customized just like any matplotlib figure.

    ylabel='ENSO34 Index (degC)',
    figsize=(8, 6),

This can be a great way to take a quick look at your data, but what if you wanted a more quantitative perspective? We can use the describe method on our DataFrame; this returns a table of summary statistics for all columns in the DataFrame

Basic Statistics

By using the describe method, we see some general statistics! Notice how calling this on the dataframe returns a table with all the Series

Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom
count 472.000000 472.000000 472.000000 472.000000 472.000000 472.000000 472.000000 472.000000
mean 23.209619 0.059725 25.936568 0.039428 28.625064 0.063814 27.076780 0.034894
std 2.431522 1.157590 1.349621 0.965464 0.755422 0.709401 1.063004 0.947936
min 18.570000 -2.100000 23.030000 -2.070000 26.430000 -1.870000 24.270000 -2.380000
25% 21.152500 -0.712500 24.850000 -0.600000 28.140000 -0.430000 26.330000 -0.572500
50% 22.980000 -0.160000 25.885000 -0.115000 28.760000 0.205000 27.100000 0.015000
75% 25.322500 0.515000 26.962500 0.512500 29.190000 0.630000 27.792500 0.565000
max 29.150000 4.620000 29.140000 3.620000 30.300000 1.670000 29.600000 2.950000

You can look at specific statistics too, such as mean! Notice how the output is a Series (column) now

Nino12        23.209619
Nino12anom     0.059725
Nino3         25.936568
Nino3anom      0.039428
Nino4         28.625064
Nino4anom      0.063814
Nino34        27.076780
Nino34anom     0.034894
dtype: float64

If you are interested in a single column mean, subset for that and use .mean


Subsetting Using the Datetime Column

You can use techniques besides slicing to subset a DataFrame. Here, we provide examples of using a couple other options.

Say you only want the month of January - you can use df.index.month to query for which month you are interested in (in this case, 1 for the month of January)

# Uses the datetime column
df[df.index.month == 1]
Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom
1982-01-01 24.29 -0.17 25.87 0.24 28.30 0.00 26.72 0.15
1983-01-01 27.42 2.96 28.92 3.29 29.00 0.70 29.36 2.79
1984-01-01 24.18 -0.28 24.82 -0.81 27.64 -0.66 25.64 -0.93
1985-01-01 23.59 -0.87 24.51 -1.12 27.71 -0.59 25.43 -1.14
1986-01-01 24.61 0.15 24.73 -0.90 28.11 -0.19 25.79 -0.78
1987-01-01 25.30 0.84 26.69 1.06 29.02 0.72 27.91 1.34
1988-01-01 24.64 0.18 26.12 0.49 29.13 0.83 27.32 0.75
1989-01-01 24.09 -0.37 24.15 -1.48 26.54 -1.76 24.53 -2.04
1990-01-01 24.02 -0.44 25.34 -0.29 28.56 0.26 26.55 -0.02
1991-01-01 23.86 -0.60 25.65 0.02 29.00 0.70 27.01 0.44
1992-01-01 24.83 0.37 27.00 1.37 29.06 0.76 28.41 1.84
1993-01-01 24.43 -0.03 25.56 -0.07 28.60 0.30 26.69 0.12
1994-01-01 24.32 -0.14 25.71 0.08 28.47 0.17 26.60 0.03
1995-01-01 25.33 0.87 26.34 0.71 29.20 0.90 27.55 0.98
1996-01-01 23.84 -0.62 24.96 -0.67 27.92 -0.38 25.74 -0.83
1997-01-01 23.67 -0.79 24.70 -0.93 28.41 0.11 25.96 -0.61
1998-01-01 28.22 3.76 28.94 3.31 29.01 0.71 29.10 2.53
1999-01-01 23.73 -0.73 24.41 -1.22 26.59 -1.71 24.90 -1.67
2000-01-01 23.86 -0.60 23.88 -1.75 26.96 -1.34 24.65 -1.92
2001-01-01 23.88 -0.58 24.99 -0.64 27.50 -0.80 25.74 -0.83
2002-01-01 23.64 -0.82 25.09 -0.54 28.81 0.51 26.50 -0.07
2003-01-01 24.38 -0.08 26.38 0.75 29.25 0.95 27.76 1.19
2004-01-01 24.60 0.14 25.92 0.29 28.83 0.53 26.74 0.17
2005-01-01 24.47 0.01 25.89 0.26 29.21 0.91 27.10 0.53
2006-01-01 24.33 -0.13 25.00 -0.63 27.68 -0.62 25.64 -0.93
2007-01-01 24.99 0.53 26.50 0.87 28.93 0.63 27.26 0.69
2008-01-01 23.86 -0.60 24.13 -1.50 26.62 -1.68 24.71 -1.86
2009-01-01 24.42 -0.10 25.03 -0.60 27.42 -0.88 25.54 -1.03
2010-01-01 24.82 0.30 26.63 1.00 29.51 1.21 28.07 1.50
2011-01-01 24.08 -0.44 24.31 -1.32 26.72 -1.58 24.93 -1.64
2012-01-01 23.88 -0.64 24.90 -0.73 27.09 -1.21 25.49 -1.08
2013-01-01 24.00 -0.52 25.06 -0.57 28.28 -0.02 26.16 -0.41
2014-01-01 24.79 0.27 25.26 -0.37 28.14 -0.17 26.06 -0.51
2015-01-01 24.13 -0.39 25.99 0.36 29.16 0.86 27.10 0.53
2016-01-01 25.93 1.41 28.21 2.58 29.65 1.35 29.17 2.60
2017-01-01 25.75 1.23 25.61 -0.02 28.18 -0.12 26.25 -0.32
2018-01-01 23.71 -0.81 24.48 -1.14 28.03 -0.27 25.82 -0.75
2019-01-01 25.10 0.57 26.17 0.55 29.00 0.65 27.08 0.52
2020-01-01 24.55 0.02 25.81 0.20 29.28 0.93 27.09 0.53
2021-01-01 23.89 -0.64 25.06 -0.55 27.10 -1.25 25.58 -0.99

You could even assign this month to a new column!

df['month'] = df.index.month

Now that it is its own column (Series), we can use groupby to group by the month, then taking the average, to determine average monthly values over the dataset


Investigating Extreme Values

You can also use conditional indexing, such that you can search where rows meet a certain criteria. In this case, we are interested in where the Nino34 anomaly is greater than 2

df[df.Nino34anom > 2]
Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom month
1982-11-01 24.59 3.00 27.62 2.64 29.23 0.60 28.81 2.16 11
1982-12-01 26.13 3.34 28.39 3.25 29.15 0.66 29.21 2.64 12
1983-01-01 27.42 2.96 28.92 3.29 29.00 0.70 29.36 2.79 1
1983-02-01 28.09 2.02 28.92 2.55 28.79 0.69 29.13 2.41 2
1997-08-01 24.80 4.15 27.84 2.85 29.26 0.58 28.84 2.02 8
1997-09-01 24.40 4.04 27.84 2.99 29.32 0.63 28.93 2.21 9
1997-10-01 24.58 3.76 28.17 3.25 29.32 0.66 29.23 2.54 10
1997-11-01 25.63 4.04 28.55 3.57 29.49 0.86 29.32 2.67 11
1997-12-01 26.92 4.13 28.76 3.62 29.32 0.83 29.26 2.69 12
1998-01-01 28.22 3.76 28.94 3.31 29.01 0.71 29.10 2.53 1
1998-02-01 28.98 2.91 28.93 2.56 28.87 0.77 28.86 2.14 2
2015-08-01 22.88 2.24 27.33 2.34 29.66 0.98 28.89 2.07 8
2015-09-01 22.91 2.57 27.48 2.63 29.73 1.04 29.00 2.28 9
2015-10-01 23.31 2.52 27.58 2.66 29.79 1.12 29.15 2.46 10
2015-11-01 23.83 2.24 27.91 2.93 30.30 1.67 29.60 2.95 11
2015-12-01 25.01 2.19 27.99 2.85 30.11 1.63 29.39 2.82 12
2016-01-01 25.93 1.41 28.21 2.58 29.65 1.35 29.17 2.60 1
2016-02-01 26.81 0.67 28.36 1.99 29.55 1.45 29.12 2.40 2

You can also sort columns based on the values!

Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom month
1988-11-01 20.55 -1.04 23.03 -1.95 26.76 -1.87 24.27 -2.38 11
1988-12-01 21.80 -0.99 23.07 -2.07 26.75 -1.74 24.33 -2.24 12
1988-10-01 19.50 -1.32 23.17 -1.75 27.06 -1.60 24.62 -2.07 10
1989-01-01 24.09 -0.37 24.15 -1.48 26.54 -1.76 24.53 -2.04 1
2000-01-01 23.86 -0.60 23.88 -1.75 26.96 -1.34 24.65 -1.92 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1997-11-01 25.63 4.04 28.55 3.57 29.49 0.86 29.32 2.67 11
1997-12-01 26.92 4.13 28.76 3.62 29.32 0.83 29.26 2.69 12
1983-01-01 27.42 2.96 28.92 3.29 29.00 0.70 29.36 2.79 1
2015-12-01 25.01 2.19 27.99 2.85 30.11 1.63 29.39 2.82 12
2015-11-01 23.83 2.24 27.91 2.93 30.30 1.67 29.60 2.95 11

472 rows × 9 columns

Let’s change the way that is ordered…

df.sort_values('Nino34anom', ascending=False)
Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom month
2015-11-01 23.83 2.24 27.91 2.93 30.30 1.67 29.60 2.95 11
2015-12-01 25.01 2.19 27.99 2.85 30.11 1.63 29.39 2.82 12
1983-01-01 27.42 2.96 28.92 3.29 29.00 0.70 29.36 2.79 1
1997-12-01 26.92 4.13 28.76 3.62 29.32 0.83 29.26 2.69 12
1997-11-01 25.63 4.04 28.55 3.57 29.49 0.86 29.32 2.67 11
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2000-01-01 23.86 -0.60 23.88 -1.75 26.96 -1.34 24.65 -1.92 1
1989-01-01 24.09 -0.37 24.15 -1.48 26.54 -1.76 24.53 -2.04 1
1988-10-01 19.50 -1.32 23.17 -1.75 27.06 -1.60 24.62 -2.07 10
1988-12-01 21.80 -0.99 23.07 -2.07 26.75 -1.74 24.33 -2.24 12
1988-11-01 20.55 -1.04 23.03 -1.95 26.76 -1.87 24.27 -2.38 11

472 rows × 9 columns


Here, we are trying to resample the timeseries such that the signal does not appear as noisy. This can helpfule when working with timeseries data! In this case, we resample to a yearly average (1Y) instead of monthly values


Applying operations to a dataframe

Often times, people are interested in applying calculations to data within pandas DataFrames. Here, we setup a function to convert from degrees Celsius to Kelvin

def convert_degc_to_kelvin(temperature_degc):
    Converts from degrees celsius to Kelvin

    return temperature_degc + 273.15

Now, this function accepts and returns a single value

# Convert a single value

But what if we want to apply this to our dataframe? We can subset for Nino34, which is in degrees Celsius

1982-01-01    26.72
1982-02-01    26.70
1982-03-01    27.20
1982-04-01    28.02
1982-05-01    28.54
2020-12-01    25.53
2021-01-01    25.58
2021-02-01    25.81
2021-03-01    26.75
2021-04-01    27.40
Name: Nino34, Length: 472, dtype: float64

Notice how the object type is a pandas series


If you call .values, the object type is now a numpy array. Pandas Series values include numpy arrays, and calling .values returns the series as a numpy array!


Let’s apply this calculation to this Series; this returns another Series object.

1982-01-01    299.87
1982-02-01    299.85
1982-03-01    300.35
1982-04-01    301.17
1982-05-01    301.69
2020-12-01    298.68
2021-01-01    298.73
2021-02-01    298.96
2021-03-01    299.90
2021-04-01    300.55
Name: Nino34, Length: 472, dtype: float64

If we include .values, it returns a numpy array


We don’t usually recommend converting to NumPy arrays unless you need to - once you convert to NumPy arrays, the helpful label information is lost… so beware!

array([299.87, 299.85, 300.35, 301.17, 301.69, 301.9 , 301.25, 301.08,
       301.26, 301.79, 301.96, 302.36, 302.51, 302.28, 302.18, 302.06,
       302.04, 301.39, 300.22, 299.68, 299.59, 299.02, 298.73, 298.74,
       298.79, 299.54, 300.01, 300.54, 300.54, 300.01, 299.89, 299.49,
       299.58, 299.08, 298.56, 298.15, 298.58, 298.82, 299.38, 299.95,
       300.26, 300.01, 299.84, 299.65, 299.4 , 299.34, 299.34, 299.26,
       298.94, 299.09, 299.8 , 300.59, 300.65, 300.84, 300.52, 300.3 ,
       300.48, 300.72, 300.88, 300.85, 301.06, 301.17, 301.62, 301.95,
       301.9 , 302.18, 301.95, 301.73, 301.54, 301.22, 301.14, 300.75,
       300.47, 300.37, 300.46, 300.47, 299.63, 299.26, 298.72, 298.39,
       298.58, 297.77, 297.42, 297.48, 297.68, 298.48, 299.05, 299.84,
       300.24, 300.13, 299.89, 299.48, 299.4 , 299.41, 299.39, 299.53,
       299.7 , 300.1 , 300.61, 301.17, 301.21, 300.73, 300.4 , 300.2 ,
       299.9 , 300.13, 299.87, 300.06, 300.16, 300.08, 300.4 , 301.13,
       301.5 , 301.51, 301.07, 300.59, 300.22, 300.78, 301.01, 301.52,
       301.56, 301.78, 301.98, 302.29, 302.14, 301.17, 300.68, 299.79,
       299.63, 299.49, 299.66, 299.88, 299.84, 300.12, 300.81, 301.74,
       301.97, 301.43, 300.7 , 299.99, 300.07, 300.08, 300.06, 299.91,
       299.75, 299.74, 300.42, 301.05, 301.19, 301.14, 300.5 , 300.5 ,
       300.15, 300.64, 301.02, 301.02, 300.7 , 300.6 , 300.78, 301.08,
       300.88, 300.74, 300.16, 299.48, 299.11, 298.82, 298.81, 298.72,
       298.89, 299.  , 299.77, 300.51, 300.52, 300.47, 300.24, 299.71,
       299.5 , 299.39, 299.34, 299.17, 299.11, 299.51, 300.18, 301.18,
       301.75, 302.09, 302.07, 301.99, 302.08, 302.38, 302.47, 302.41,
       302.25, 302.01, 301.82, 301.71, 301.62, 299.87, 299.09, 298.64,
       298.76, 298.49, 298.33, 297.94, 298.05, 298.56, 299.4 , 299.99,
       300.12, 299.75, 299.5 , 298.74, 298.86, 298.79, 298.27, 298.05,
       297.8 , 298.34, 299.23, 300.16, 300.27, 300.18, 299.87, 299.6 ,
       299.36, 299.11, 298.93, 298.74, 298.89, 299.26, 299.99, 300.67,
       300.75, 300.83, 300.47, 300.02, 299.7 , 299.74, 299.6 , 299.32,
       299.65, 300.1 , 300.47, 301.09, 301.3 , 301.58, 301.13, 300.94,
       300.98, 301.2 , 301.42, 301.24, 300.91, 300.64, 300.96, 300.96,
       300.52, 300.63, 300.58, 300.  , 300.11, 300.34, 300.2 , 300.04,
       299.89, 300.01, 300.25, 300.99, 301.21, 300.91, 300.84, 300.69,
       300.62, 300.53, 300.46, 300.46, 300.25, 300.11, 300.7 , 301.22,
       301.35, 301.2 , 300.62, 300.03, 299.78, 299.9 , 299.49, 299.04,
       298.79, 299.23, 299.72, 300.74, 301.06, 301.  , 300.5 , 300.37,
       300.49, 300.62, 300.88, 300.91, 300.41, 299.96, 300.33, 300.93,
       300.72, 300.7 , 299.94, 299.35, 298.92, 298.37, 298.21, 298.12,
       297.86, 297.98, 299.22, 299.98, 300.33, 300.32, 300.34, 300.  ,
       299.59, 299.48, 299.45, 298.89, 298.69, 299.19, 299.82, 300.65,
       301.18, 301.26, 301.09, 300.68, 300.62, 300.78, 301.34, 301.45,
       301.22, 301.09, 301.44, 301.51, 300.83, 300.15, 299.24, 298.65,
       298.22, 298.16, 298.22, 298.1 , 298.08, 298.61, 299.38, 300.17,
       300.57, 300.61, 300.11, 299.34, 299.13, 298.87, 298.75, 298.68,
       298.64, 299.18, 299.78, 300.53, 300.95, 301.1 , 300.9 , 300.7 ,
       300.39, 300.13, 300.16, 299.61, 299.31, 299.47, 300.15, 300.83,
       300.72, 300.58, 300.06, 299.69, 299.8 , 299.51, 299.8 , 299.68,
       299.21, 299.33, 300.14, 301.16, 301.46, 301.26, 300.55, 300.17,
       300.32, 300.32, 300.65, 300.5 , 300.25, 300.44, 300.94, 301.71,
       302.03, 302.11, 301.97, 302.04, 302.15, 302.3 , 302.75, 302.54,
       302.32, 302.27, 302.05, 302.02, 301.3 , 300.68, 299.88, 299.43,
       299.26, 299.11, 299.25, 299.31, 299.4 , 300.02, 300.49, 301.25,
       301.45, 301.34, 300.76, 299.82, 299.44, 299.38, 298.94, 298.95,
       298.97, 298.98, 299.63, 300.57, 300.87, 301.  , 300.67, 300.26,
       300.25, 300.7 , 300.79, 300.68, 300.23, 300.56, 301.37, 301.75,
       301.72, 301.39, 300.78, 300.12, 299.85, 300.46, 300.41, 300.22,
       300.24, 300.29, 300.97, 301.47, 300.74, 300.45, 300.04, 299.33,
       298.92, 298.45, 298.49, 298.68, 298.73, 298.96, 299.9 , 300.55])

We can now assign our pandas Series with the converted temperatures to a new column in our dataframe!

df['Nino34_degK'] = convert_degc_to_kelvin(nino34_series)
1982-01-01    299.87
1982-02-01    299.85
1982-03-01    300.35
1982-04-01    301.17
1982-05-01    301.69
2020-12-01    298.68
2021-01-01    298.73
2021-02-01    298.96
2021-03-01    299.90
2021-04-01    300.55
Name: Nino34_degK, Length: 472, dtype: float64

Now that our analysis is done, we can save our data to a csv for later - or share with others!

pd.read_csv('nino_analyzed_output.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
Nino12 Nino12anom Nino3 Nino3anom Nino4 Nino4anom Nino34 Nino34anom month Nino34_degK
1982-01-01 24.29 -0.17 25.87 0.24 28.30 0.00 26.72 0.15 1 299.87
1982-02-01 25.49 -0.58 26.38 0.01 28.21 0.11 26.70 -0.02 2 299.85
1982-03-01 25.21 -1.31 26.98 -0.16 28.41 0.22 27.20 -0.02 3 300.35
1982-04-01 24.50 -0.97 27.68 0.18 28.92 0.42 28.02 0.24 4 301.17
1982-05-01 23.97 -0.23 27.79 0.71 29.49 0.70 28.54 0.69 5 301.69
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-01 22.16 -0.60 24.38 -0.83 27.65 -0.95 25.53 -1.12 12 298.68
2021-01-01 23.89 -0.64 25.06 -0.55 27.10 -1.25 25.58 -0.99 1 298.73
2021-02-01 25.55 -0.66 25.80 -0.57 27.20 -1.00 25.81 -0.92 2 298.96
2021-03-01 26.48 -0.26 26.80 -0.39 27.79 -0.55 26.75 -0.51 3 299.90
2021-04-01 24.89 -0.80 26.96 -0.65 28.47 -0.21 27.40 -0.49 4 300.55

472 rows × 10 columns


  • Pandas is a very powerful tool for working with tabular (i.e. spreadsheet-style) data

  • There are multiple ways of subsetting your pandas dataframe or series

  • Pandas allows you to refer to subsets of data by label, which generally makes code more readable and more robust

  • Pandas can be helpful for exploratory data analysis, including plotting and basic statistics

  • One can apply calculations to pandas dataframes and save the output via csv files

What’s Next?

In the next notebook, we will look more into using pandas for more in-depth data analysis.